Vegas Baby!

今日はラスベガスからの風景をお届けします。 NYCのように、ラスベガスもまた“眠らない街”です。 時計も窓もないカジノに一歩足を踏み入れたら時間の感覚を忘れてしまうでしょう。 残念ながら今回は朝早くから夜遅くまで撮影だったのでカジノを楽しむ時間はありませんでした。 それでも朝ホテルを出て夜に戻ってくる時に“ベガスの出来事はベガスでのこと”という ラスベガスの旅の掟Vegas Mottoの雰囲気を味わいました。 Here are some pictures from Las Vegas. Like NYC, Vegas is a city that really never sleeps. When you are in the casinos, there are no clocks and no windows, so you never know what time of day it is! Unfortunately I went to work, so no casinos for me. We had to shoot from early morning threw the late in the evening, so no time for fun this time. But when leaving the hotel in the morning and returning in the evening, I definitely felt the vibe of the Vegas motto, "What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas".:) 001_1 Neon Museumで目にしたいくつものネオンサイン。 I found some fun Neon signs at The Neon Museum. 001_2001_3001_4 ラスベガスに何日も滞在していたのにテキーラすら飲む機会もなかったなんて‥でもいつどこで?唯一のチャンスはなんと帰途につく空港のBARでした。 At some point, we realized that we had been in Vegas for several days and we didn't even get to drink tequila... This was just unacceptable - but when and where would we have a chance?? Sadly, we didn't get the chance until we stopped at the airport bar before our flights home... IMG_9187 今回のモデルAlimaはゴージャス、プロフェッショナル、誠実、そして楽しくとてもクール。 AlimaからのBig Kissを送ります! Our model Alima. She is gorgeous, professional, sincere, super-fun, and an all around cool person!!! She sends you a big kiss! 001_5 さよならVegas! またいつか会いましょう! Whatever Happened in Vegas- Stays in Vegas! 覚えていて下さいね! だから今回の記事は短いのかも?? Lots of love, Rie xxx Bye Vegas! See you again - one of these days! And remember- Whatever Happened in Vegas- Stays in Vegas! Hmmm,maybe that is why this post is so short, haha! Lots of love, Rie xoxo IMG_9189